Jamie Feehan Featured on State Bytes Podcast
NH Pro Bono Program Recognizes Jonathan Ross for Lifetime Achievement
During this week’s press conferences, Governor Scott announced two new rounds of state grants that become available the week of October 26th. The first is the Expanded Economic Recovery Grant program. Administered by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, this grant program is for businesses in operation before March 1, 2020. It is designed to replace some lost revenue since the pandemic’s onset in mid-March. Maximum grant size is $300,000. The application period runs for two weeks, and grant applications will be considered on a case by case basis. This grant award is not first-come first-served. More information, including links to webinars from round one of the grant making, technical assistance phone numbers, and more information on the qualifications for the program, is available on ACCD’s web page here.
The second is an expansion of the Frontline Employees Hazard Pay Bonus program. The state Department of Financial Regulation administers this program, which originated earlier in the summer, and was expanded by the Legislature in the fall session. The program was intended to supplement incomes of frontline workers who worked in certain jobs (initially primarily centered in health care) making less than $25 an hour. The new program expands the classes of jobs eligible for a hazard pay bonus and includes grocery store workers, pharmacy staff, funeral home staff, and others. Some health care workers making more than $25 an hour are also eligible, as are employees who worked in those fields from March through May who are no longer employed in those positions. Hazard pay grant applications must be filed by employers, not employees, and this grant is available on a first-come first-served basis. The state expects this money to run out quickly. DFR is hosting a webinar on the program on Monday, October 26, and the application will be available on Wednesday morning, October 28th. For more information, please visit DFR’s web page here.