Jeremy S. Grant

R. Ryan Gadapee
It is with great sadness that we relay that Paul Giuliani passed away on July 12th, 2022.
Paul Giuliani was genuinely the nicest and kindest person you could encounter. And he was a great lawyer! In pretty much any city, town, village or gore in Vermont there is at least one public building, school or park that he helped to build. He was an institution in municipal and public finance law. He had a hand in many, if not most, of Vermont’s community-centered endeavors. In many instances, he was the authority on which even regulators, adjudicators and legislators relied. His knowledge was so deep that it was often said that half of the law existed in the statute books and the other half was in Paul’s head.
It has been an honor and privilege to work with him since he came to work at Primmer over ten years ago. Although he is gone from our lives, his memory (and his work) will live long into the future as the public projects for which he is responsible will continue to be used and enjoyed by the people of Vermont.
We will miss you, Paul.
The Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer Family