
April 23, 2018

ABA Day 2018: Recap

This month, Attorney Jon Ross led a New Hampshire Bar Association delegation as part of ABA Day 2018. Each year, the American Bar Association invites bar leaders from all states to come and meet with their congressional delegations to advocate for ABA legislative priorities. Jon has served on the ABA Day Planning Committee for the last 3-4 years and has been attending for NH for nearly 20 years.
April 17, 2018

Civility as a Negotiation Strategy

While many aspects of negotiation are difficult, the seemingly easiest is just working well with others -- being polite, acknowledging opposing viewpoints, showing respect and paying attention. These, and other active listening skills, should be a given in any negotiation, setting the stage for effective communication, information sharing and working together toward a resolution.
January 10, 2018

2018 New Hampshire Energy Legislative Updates

The 2018 New Hampshire Legislature has introduced or amended a number of energy bills. Outlined below are updates regarding smart grid, renewable portfolio Standard, public utility commission, rate design, net-metering, energy efficiency, utilities, electric vehicles, renewable energy development, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), energy infrastructure, and other bills that may impact you and your business.