What HR Professionals Need to Know About Developing A COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

A Tribute to Douglas Wolinsky
LIFT (Locally Impacting the Future Together) has reached a significant donation milestone this year with more than $50,000 donated to local organizations. Over the last three years, LIFT has grown from a desire to bring women together to do something positive and impactful to over twenty members making a difference in the Greater Burlington, Vermont community.
This year, LIFT donated $13,487 to KidSafe Collaborative, the only independent Chittenden County, Vermont agency focused solely on keeping the community working together to prevent and address child abuse and neglect.
Alexandra Clauss and Shireen Hart founded LIFT Giving Circle in 2017 because they wanted to harness the generosity and energy of the women in their community to help local groups with their missions. LIFT Giving Circle has provided funding to The Janet S. Munt Family Room, KidSafe Collaborative, Outright Vermont, and Steps to End Domestic Violence. To learn more about LIFT, including how to become a member for 2021 please visit www.liftgivingcircle.com.