FFCRA Update: Aspects of the Final Rule Vacated by Federal Court

D.C. State of Early Childhood’s Public Forum for At-Large D.C. Council Candidates
On October 7, members of our Intellectual Property team presented at the Vermont Bar Association’s Annual Meeting. The presentation, Real Life Encounters with Intellectual Property Law, addressed common intellectual property challenges encountered by Vermont businesses and legal practitioners, including;
- How to identify, protect, and monetize intellectual property.
- How to fend off competing claims, enforce your client’s rights, and leverage collateral resources such as insurance.
Trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property assets are often the foundation of a company’s value. Our firm’s Intellectual Property and Technology team provides experienced counsel to help clients protect these crucial assets. To learn more and to reach out to one of our attorneys, visit the Intellectual Property & Technology team page.