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Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer PC is thrilled to announce that they have again been named as Best Place to Work in Vermont for 2023.
The Best Place to Work Award is presented to companies in Vermont that excel in a two-part process: (1) an evaluation of a nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, and demographics, and (2) an employee survey geared to measure the employee’s experience. The companies are then ranked, and the winners are announced through a joint venture between Vermont Business Magazine and the Vermont Chamber of Commerce.
For the fourth year in a row, Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer PC has been named in the category of “Small Businesses”, which is defined as a business with 15-99 employees.
Though the award is for Vermont businesses, all employees at each of the firm’s six locations (in Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington DC) participate in the individual employee survey.
Managing Director of Primmer, Gary Franklin commented, “We are proud to be recognized for the fourth consecutive year as one of Vermont’s Best Places to Work. Receiving this award is a testament to how hard everyone here works to support our common mission and culture.”
The awards with final rankings will be formally announced at a ceremony on March 29th in Burlington.