Primmer Named as a 2025 ‘Best Places To Work’

Primmer Scores in the 2025 Curling Classic

On March 12, 2025, attorneys from our Manchester and Portsmouth, New Hampshire offices participated in the annual trivia competition, “Are You Smarter Than a Breakthrough Student?”, which is offered as a fundraiser for the Breakthrough Manchester’s education program. Local professionals are matched with students to team up against a bevy of difficult general knowledge questions, such as “How many plays did Shakespeare write?” and “Who patented the hula hoop?”.
The Breakthrough Manchester’s program’s dual mission provides six years of intensive, tuition-free academic programming to support Manchester students from traditionally underserved communities on their path to college while inspiring emerging leaders in high school and college to be the next generation of educators and advocates for educational equity. The annual quiz competition is one of the main fundraisers for the program and we were happy to once again be a Masters Level sponsor for the competition.
The event raised $70,000 and ensures another summer of quality instruction. Speaking at the event, Manchester City Mayor Jay Ruais said, “A vision without funding is a hallucination.” We are pleased to be able to have the opportunity to support educational equity in our communities, and help continue the legacy of organizations doing work on the front lines, like Breakthrough Manchester.